
Who am i?

I am Laurs, the trainer behind Paramount Fitness IoM.

I got into Fitness through going on my own fitness journey.

Curious on my photo?

6 week change from start to finish.

Was it easy? No.. but with the right tools, it sure does take the “guess work” out of it.

Was I determined? Sure was because I need to live longer for my children, be happy within myself, have more confidence and honestly…

I was sick of feeling like the “fat friend”.

Can you relate maybe?

My goal?


It’s to empower you through fitness.

What would change for you if you got your confidence back?

Imagine going to the gym and you actually enjoyed your workout instead of sitting in the car for 15 minutes with heart wrenching anxiety dreading walking in.

Or if you simply were happy in your own skin.

I sat there in the “what if” stage for far too long. I missed out on a lot by letting my limiting beliefs keep me stuck and stagnant.

What are you missing out on if you stay in the same stage of your life for the next 3, 6 or 12 months?

Or better yet… what would change for you if you took the same leap that I did?

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